A happy ending for Moose (Truda)

Last year there were a number of outbreaks of parvovirus in Romania, which were devastating for our fosters as they lost so many dogs.

In November, three siblings battled the virus in the care of our wonderful foster Alina and her vet Bianca in Uricani and we gave them warrior names to match their fighting spirit - Truda, Imelda and Louisa. Sadly we lost Louisa just as her treatment began, and Imelda passed away when Bianca left the dogs for a few hours to get some much needed sleep. Poor Truda watched on as she lost her sister.

Truda was a true fighter though, and managed to get the better of this awful virus. With the amazing help of O.U.R supporters, we could keep up her treatment and watch her go from strength to strength.

We were so excited when we could finally put Truda up for adoption, and this week she arrived in the UK to meet her new family, where she will live her life in her new home as Moose.

This was a devastating time for us and all of our fosters and supporters in Romania, and we couldn't have saved Truda and the other surviving dogs without your help. Your donations allow us to give the treatment that's needed for parvovirus and so many other threats to these beautiful dogs.

Thank you all and we wish Moose a lifetime of happiness in her new home.


Could you sponsor one of OUR dogs?


Gotcha Day - February 2022