Alina’s Shelter Appeal

We need your help!

We have such an incredible following on Facebook and the web, but sadly our fundraiser doesn’t seem to be getting much attention in comparison

If just HALF of our followers donated just £1 each, we would fully fund this project. These small donations really do make the difference

If every one of our followers donated £1, we would raise 150% of our target with ease!

To reach our goal, we just need 633 followers a day to donate just £1 each! That sounds like a lot, but it’s a small portion of our followers so we hope we can do it!

We know times are tough, but if you could spare less than the cost of a takeaway coffee, we could easily raise all the funds needed

We really appreciate the huge following we have, so now we need to ask for your help. Let’s all come together and make this fundraiser a success


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