Skye's Story

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Kirsty adopted Skye from O.U.R Dog Foundation in October 2020.

 Kirsty says…

‘Skye was absolutely terrified when he first arrived and he spent most of his first night behind the sofa hiding. After almost a month, he has progressed so much and learnt a little more every day. He loves his toys, going on walks and trying to help his nana in the garden by stealing her plant pots. I have so much love for my mischievous little pup.

There have been difficult moments. When he first arrived, he was very skinny which is just heart-breaking. However, he loves his food so he's filling out now. At first, he was very shy but, as we live next door to three dogs, he's became so much more sociable. He's like any other puppy: he likes to counter surf so he's slowly getting the hang of not jumping up at the tables. He will also eat most things (including puppy pads, his bed and wires) but, after a visit to the vet and getting his temperature taken, I think he's learned his lesson. The benefits of having him make the challenges absolutely worth it.

The first time I saw him playing with his ball, I did actually cry from happiness. It sounds silly but actually seeing him act like a puppy instead of being so scared was incredible and makes everything so worth it. Just knowing that you're giving a puppy that was in terrible circumstances a loving home is a wonderful feeling. I just want to say thank you so much to the incredible people that work endlessly to give these dogs an opportunity at living their best lives. You do amazing things for these animals and I can't thank you enough for letting me adopt Skye I don't know what I'd do without him.

I would say it takes a lot of patience and time but if you're up for that then absolutely go for it. The people that volunteer at O.U.R Dog Foundation do incredible work with these dogs and being able to provide a home and watching them progress is so rewarding and absolutely worth it.’


Misty’s Story