Sunday Success - Joey’s Story

Meet Joey, a gorgeous boy from Romania who was often overlooked—one of our beloved ‘stumpies’ (dogs with docked tails). Joey urgently needed to come to the UK in December 2022 before DEFRA regulations banned his entry.

That’s when Tiffany and her amazing family stepped in to foster Joey, alongside their resident spaniel, Branston. Though it was a shaky start, Joey soon found his rhythm and settled in beautifully. Before long, it became clear to Tiffany and her family that they couldn't let him go—and Joey officially became a permanent member of their family!

Here’s what Tiffany had to say about their time with Joey…

‘Joey has brought so much happiness into our family since he arrived. He started as a fearful, reactive dog with no training but with patience and love has become the most wonderful boy. He’s now playing with doggy friends, paddling in the sea and has great recall for long off-lead walks - he’s living his best life.

OUR were amazing, so supportive and helpful. Adopting Joey has been a highlight of our lives..he’s King Joey and makes us feel so happy to see him so happy - there’s no feeling like it. The best decision we’ve ever made. He’s an absolute superstar.

A huge thank you to Tiffany and her family for their endless love and patience in giving Joey his forever home. We couldn't be happier for this perfect match! 💕


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