Sunday Success: Loli’s Story

Meet Lolli (formerly known as Vera). This sweet girl was once alone and terrified in a kill shelter, unsure if she'd ever know love again. When Alina found her, Lolli was so scared that she couldn't even walk—she had to be carried to Alina’s house.

But with time, patience, and endless love, Lolli began to trust humans again. She bravely faced her fears with Alina and Iuli's help and was ready to start a new chapter in her life.

That’s when Cheryle and Andy saw her photo. Having lost their beloved dog, they felt a void in their hearts that only Lolli could fill. They knew she was the missing piece to their family.

Today, Lolli is living her best life—full of love, joy, and endless adventures with her forever family. 🐾❤️

Here's what Cheryle had to say about Lolli's adoption experience...

"The support provided by the OUR Dog Foundation Volunteers began from the straightforward but very thorough adoption process. After searching for a dog to become part of our family for many weeks we finally found Lolli (Vera). Emma, one of the OUR volunteers, kept us well informed throughout Lolli’s journey beginning in Romania on 3/2/24. We found it very comforting to be part of the WhatsApp group as we were all equally excited about welcoming the dogs into our lives.

Emma had been very honest about the issues we might expect with Lolli during the settling in period, so we’ve been lead entirely by Lolli and her personal ability to cope in new situations. We’re not sure how Alina found the time to teach her to be so polite. She’s quiet, unassuming and considerate at all times. She has impeccable manners and she tries so hard to be brave when faced with scary things like the waves on the beach and the swaying trees in the park. She bonded with us both immediately and has trusted us from day one.

It’s been truly wonderful to witness her successes and try to reassure her when she doesn’t quite understand what being a pet is all about.

Her achievements include:

🐶 Overcoming her fear of traffic and certain loud noises. She’s always been brilliant with us but has struggled to accept other family members but she now adores our daughter and young granddaughter who has been so kind, calm, and considerate around her.

🐶Lolli now enters cafes, restaurants and pubs without fear.

🐶She refused to join us on the sofa for weeks but now loves to sit with us on her fluffy rug.

🐶She’s working very hard to become less fearful in new situations and improve her confidence.

She asks so little from us but willingly gives us constant love and affection. We are both besotted by her and marvel at her resilience and bravery.

Thank you for your continued presence in Romania where you all work tirelessly to save Lolli’s friends and relatives."

Here’s to second chances and the power of love! #RescueDog #SundaySuccess #AdoptDontShop


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