Sunday Success: Scooby (was Wallace)

This Sunday, we're celebrating the incredible journey of Scooby (was Wallace) a wonderful dog who captured our hearts and found his forever home. 🐶❤️

Wallace was one of a pair we affectionately named Wallace and Gromit, rescued from a Romanian kill shelter by our amazing Alina. His future was uncertain, but fate had other plans.

Under the loving care of Alina, Wallace found safety, but it seemed like no one was ready to give him the forever home he deserved. That was until Andy reached out, saying he was drawn to this gorgeous boy. From that moment, we knew Wallace's life was about to change forever.

By August, Wallace (whose new name would be Scooby) was on his way to the UK, ready to start a new chapter with his wonderful new family. 🏡✨

Here’s what Andy had to say about life with Scooby…

‘Before we had him, we always wanted a little companion to enter our family after our dog before him had passed away. When we found out that he was gonna get put down because no one decided to choose him, we knew we wanted to have the responsibility to give him that life he had always longed for.

It honestly broke our hearts. We wanted to give this little dog the best life we could. So we decided to make it happen. Ever since laying eyes on this beautiful little pup. We knew we wanted him. when we read more about him…he’s now our little fluffball of happiness.

At 3am on the 8th August 2021, we welcomed our little boy Scooby into the loving arms of our family. We had open arms ready to give this little pup the love he deserved. In fact his name before us wasn’t Scooby, it was Wallace, but his personality didn’t fit Wallace. We knew exactly what his personality did fit…Scooby.

He went to his new bed and let my wife soothe him, so he knew he wouldn’t be hurt anymore. Eventually, he got up and walked cautiously towards my daughter and laid by her, let her cuddle him. From that moment on I knew he was gonna be happy and that Scooby and my daughter were going to have an irreplaceable bond.

After a few weeks Scooby started to come out of his shell showing his true colours, he was such a playful pup…we wouldn’t have thought it before. We didn’t think he would have settled in so quickly and it just goes to show how much this pup had trusted us to show the side that he’s always wanted to let out so quickly.

As time went on we began to appreciate all the little moments with him as he realised that he was safe now and would never be hurt again.

When we first got him , we watched an absolute shell buried in his own fear and nerves. We thought he might be a dog that we couldn’t save but we did; over time, we watched an explosion of confidence splash before our eyes.

It was obvious that the life he had before us may not have been the best… But our little Scooby needed a family that was perfect for him and a confident leader to flourish.

To people who want to do the same thing and rescue a pup, even with the ups and downs, the outcome is always far more rewarding.

To our little pup Scooby, you have made our family complete with your bubbly personality and your mischievous ways. We wouldn’t know what to do without you; you have made such a big impact in our lives. You are one in a million Scoobers and we love you so much.

Happy ever afters really do exist!’

Thank you, Andy and his family, and everyone involved, for making Scooby’s happy ending possible. Your love and dedication make all the difference. ❤️


Could you be Marvin’s forever family?


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