A rescue in crisis

We have had a huge influx in surrenders and foster dogs needing new placements recently.

Normally, this wouldn’t be an issue, but the placements for them to go to simply aren’t there.

Our team are running themselves into the ground trying everything to get fosters and adopters to come forward in a time where there seems to be none.

So with this in mind, we regrettably will not be promoting any dogs in Romania for at least the next week. This is to have a focus on our UK dogs who are struggling much more to find their families. We will still accept applications for any Romanian dogs on our page, but will not be actively sharing them.

We are in desperate need of fosters, urgent adopters and people to get our posts seen. Our whole team is reaching a point where we aren’t sure what we can do if homes don’t come forward soon. We cannot afford more dogs in kennels as this is already costing over £1000 a month with 3 dogs now there.

We hope you understand, and please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you think you can help!


Sunday Success: Skye ⭐️


Meet our 2 newest team members!