Kennel Fees Breakdown

We are sure you are all used to seeing our fundraising pleas for kennel costs. Although our boys being safe is the priority, as a non profit, over £1000 every single month adds up - and takes away from other projects and dogs we could be helping.

Since Reggie landed at the kennels on the 14th of August last year, we have paid a whopping £6,968 to keep him there! This is a mind blowing number, and whilst it’s worth it to keep him safe, it’s disheartening to know how much we could do to save lives in Romania with that kind of money. 183 dogs could have their monthly costs and care fully covered, which would enable us to take on more dogs as we have nowhere near that many under our care at the moment.

The kennels who look after the boys have been incredible for us, and brilliant with the boys. We are in no way saying anything bad about them with this post, but really showing you all how much this costs us. As a non profit, having dogs ready for homes spending months on end in kennels is not financially sustainable.

Our payment for the month of June was the first time that we haven't had enough in our kennel fund to pay the bill. It was £1079, and we were over £200 short of this, so we had to dip into other savings to pay this e.g. the money we keep aside for urgent kill shelter rescues.

Reggie is very much ready, and has been for a long time, so him finding a home is our current focus. Not only does it cost us a huge amount, but it also takes away a space for a dog in need in an emergency, like he once was. We can’t bear to see Reggie spend another year of his young life in kennels, he really deserves a home at last. We hope Bentley will soon be ready, and Herbie can have a chance at a foster home too

Please if you can help in any way, we would be so appreciative. From sharing the word, donating even just £1 or even offering Reggie the home he deserves - we are grateful for it all

Donate here -

If you could offer Reggie his chance, please get in touch!


Teaching your dog “touch” - a simple guide


OUR Dog Foundation in Pick Me Up magazine