Teaching your dog “touch” - a simple guide

Many dog owners may not realise the power of teaching their canine companion the simple cue of "touch." This fundamental skill forms the basis for many advanced training exercises and provides a strong foundation for a dog's overall obedience and engagement.

Teaching your dog to touch your hand with their nose helps improve their focus and builds confidence. Once mastered, "touch" can be transferred to other objects, opening up a world of possibilities for training and games, and strengthening the bond between you and your dog.

Have a treat ready: Hold a treat your dog loves in your hand or scent your palm with it.

Present Your palm: Hold your palm close to your dog's nose, keeping it low and at their level.

Reward the touch: When your dog's nose touches your palm, immediately reward them with the treat and praise.

Repeat and add the cue: After many successful repetitions, start saying the word "touch" just before presenting your palm.

Be patient - every dog learns at their own pace, so be patient and positive throughout the training process.


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