Reggie Update!

Reggie has some news to tell you….

You may have noticed there hasn’t been any countdown to a year in kennels posts for a couple of days now. Well, this is because Reggie has been busy packing his bags!

We are so happy to say Reggie is leaving the kennels to a forever family on Friday!

We cannot thank you all enough for your shares, and financial support during his stay. We really hope this will work out for him, as he so deserves it after all he has been put through

He does ask that you please continue to support his pals Bentley and Herbie with their kennel care too as they are just a bit more shy than he is.

If you would like to donate to our boys in celebration of Reggie’s new start, they would appreciate it


Can you join our foster bank?


Teaching your dog “touch” - a simple guide