RIP Luna🌈

Today has been a difficult day as we mourn the loss of our cherished Luna, a tiny fighter. Luna and her brother Sorin were rescued by our heroes Alina and Iuli, who named them for the moon and sun they brought into their lives. Luna and Sorin were found abandoned, mere hours old, in heartbreaking conditions. They were dumped next to the rubbish and were freezing cold and hungry.

Against all odds, Luna and Sorin thrived under Alina's loving care. She became their devoted mother, nurturing them through sleepless nights and round-the-clock feedings. Luna's spirit was indomitable – she was lively, curious, and full of life. Despite her fragile beginnings, Luna was determined to explore her world, often escaping her cozy bed to investigate the kitchen, leaving us in awe of her resilience.

With Alina's love and dedication, Luna's once tiny, hungry frame transformed. Her belly grew round and content, a testament to her improving health and spirit. Sadly, in the past week, Luna's health took a sudden turn, and despite Alina's desperate efforts, Luna passed away last night, leaving us heartbroken.

Her passing has left an immense void in our lives and in Alina and Iuli's hearts. Luna fought for 19 days to be with us, demonstrating incredible resilience and will to live.

Rest in peace, Luna. You will be missed and loved forever by us all.

Luna's brother Sorin is still with us, though he's facing health challenges of his own. We remain hopeful in our support for Sorin as he fights to recover. Please keep him in your thoughts during this difficult time.

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