Sunday Success: Dottie’s Story

🌟 Sunday Success Story: Meet Dottie! 🌟

In 2021, Dottie came to the UK from Romania, rescued from a life in a kill shelter. She found her forever home with her amazing saviours, Andy and Jayne. Initially, she was a timid girl, frightened of everything and couldn't bear to be touched.

Fast forward three years, and Dottie's transformation has been nothing short of miraculous. With Andy and Jayne's unwavering love and patience, she blossomed into a confident, happy dog who enjoys every moment of life.

Recently, Dottie was diagnosed with a terminal condition, but Andy and Jayne are committed to ensuring she lives out her days in the most loving, joyful household. Their dedication to giving Dottie the best life possible is truly inspiring.

Here’s their story…

‘I could write a book about Dottie or Dotsy if she getting in mischief (always causing mischief )but I will try and restrict it.

In January 2021, Dottie came into our life, and was very frightened of everything. For the first few months, she lived behind the settee only sneaking out for food, and her toilet was the kitchen near the door. Jayne (my wife) slept downstairs with Dottie for first 6 months.

We did try and put a harness on her and take her outside but she just froze…she was petrified; I truly thought she would be a house dog forever. But, we had two weapons: food and one of our other rescue dogs, Tia, who Dottie adored. So with lots of patience and tempting her with food, she slowly started following Tia outside on our garden, and then that was it, no looking back! Wherever Tia went, Dottie would follow - parks, seaside , running free and paddling in streams. It was amazing and she had the biggest grin.

Don’t get me wrong, there were moments we didn’t seem to be getting anywhere and then a breakthrough…first time she wagged her tail, first time we could stroke her, first time she went upstairs and took over the bed, her first cuddle these are moments we never forget.

We thought she had all her life in front of her and then life has now dealt this heart breaking blow. We are devastated to say the least but we will make sure she is happy for as long as possible. We’re taking her to the seaside (her favourite place) at the end of July for an ice cream and a paddle for a week and she will love it. We feel privileged to have Dottie in our lives and we will love her forever.’

Dottie's journey reminds us of the power of love and second chances. Let's celebrate her courage and the incredible bond she shares with Andy and Jayne. ❤️🐾

#SundaySuccess #AdoptDontShop #LoveAndRescue #DottieTheBrave


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