Trixie’s Story

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Faith adopted Trixie from O.U.R Dog Foundation in November 2020

Faith says…

‘Trixie was incredibly shy and timid. The first thing she did was hide under the table for a few hours. I was very patient with her and let her come to me and by the evening of the same day she arrived she was happy for me to stroke her.

Nearly three weeks later after her arriving on my doorstep, she is a different dog! She’s full of life, settled in with me very well and is always wagging her tail at home. When we go out for walks she is still shy and anxious with other people and dogs but her confidence is growing everyday. She makes me smile everyday and I wouldn’t be without my little companion.

At first I was very apprehensive but now I would recommend O.U.R Dog Foundation to anyone looking to adopt a little furry friend. My little Trix is healthy and happy and the foundation gave her a new start in life and changed my life forever. My advice is GO FOR IT! As long as you can commit and offer the dog a life full of love.’


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