£2 Monthly Donation

£2.00 every month

Subscribe to giving a £2 monthly donation to help us rescue even more Romanian rescue dogs from the streets and from kill shelters. Your subscription will automatically deduct your donation amount each month and can be cancelled at anytime.

£2 a month could help a Rommie dog by:

  • buying them better quality food within their shelter;

  • treating them to a toy;

  • buying cleaning products to disinfect their kennels to avoid deadly diseases.

Please give what you can.


Subscribe to giving a £2 monthly donation to help us rescue even more Romanian rescue dogs from the streets and from kill shelters. Your subscription will automatically deduct your donation amount each month and can be cancelled at anytime.

£2 a month could help a Rommie dog by:

  • buying them better quality food within their shelter;

  • treating them to a toy;

  • buying cleaning products to disinfect their kennels to avoid deadly diseases.

Please give what you can.

Subscribe to giving a £2 monthly donation to help us rescue even more Romanian rescue dogs from the streets and from kill shelters. Your subscription will automatically deduct your donation amount each month and can be cancelled at anytime.

£2 a month could help a Rommie dog by:

  • buying them better quality food within their shelter;

  • treating them to a toy;

  • buying cleaning products to disinfect their kennels to avoid deadly diseases.

Please give what you can.

Help Bentley, Herbie & Stevie in Kennels
from £2.00 every month
£30 Monthly Donation
£30.00 every month
£50 Monthly Donation
£50.00 every month
£20 Monthly Donation
£20.00 every month
£10 Monthly Donation
£10.00 every month